School Wide Goals
A Northgate Graduate will meet the California Academic Standards and be able to do the following skills clearly, effectively, and fluently:
Communicate: A Northgate Graduate…
- Reads.
- Writes.
- Listens.
- Speaks.
- Utilizes technology and media.
- Considers other ideas and perspectives.
Critically Think: A Northgate Graduate…
- Makes connections.
- Finds information, evaluates sources, and utilizes resources effectively in all disciplines.
- Evaluates and assesses a problem, examines the data, and arrives at a solution.
- Recognizes perspective and bias.
- Asks thoughtful questions to deepen understanding and reflects on newfound knowledge.
Create: A Northgate Graduate…
- Works through processes to solve problems.
- Proposes and designs solutions.
- Implements creative and aesthetic elements into projects.
- Practices regularly for fluency and efficiency.
- Performs to the best of his/her ability.
- Uses technological tools to create original work and design innovative solutions.
Collaborate: A Northgate Graduate…
- Works effectively with community members.
- Starts and completes projects promptly.
- Persists when addressing a problem or completing a project.
- Models resiliency when met with adversity.
- Demonstrates skill in collaborative and individual approaches to work.
- Produces collaborative and individual original work in a variety of forms.
Connect: A Northgate Graduate…
- Relates ideas and skills learned in the academic setting to the everyday world.
- Engages in learning experiences throughout life and values the learning process.
- Demonstrates mindfulness and the understanding that one’s actions have far-reaching effects.
- Models stewardship and environmental literacy.
- Adapts to new and different ideas and demonstrates cultural, global and ethical awareness.
- Utilizes technological tools and resources to solve problems and receive support.