25-26 Incoming Student Registration Information
Beginning October 10 - November 10, 2024 the Intradistrict Transfer Application will be available for all schools, grades 1-12 and for Sequoia and Monte Gardens' Kindergarten. Currently enrolled students will complete the application using their Aeries Homelink Portal. Students that are not currently enrolled will use a link available on the Intradistrict Transfer webpage starting October 10th.
The Intradistrict Transfer Application window for Kindergarteners (except Sequoia and Monte Gardens) will continue to take place in the Spring (February - March).
Incoming 9th Grade Family Newsletter
For our 8th Grade Families:
8th Grade Preview Night- Monday October 28th 6pm- this night is designed for our out of area, private school, and new to area families, to get to know just some of what Northgate has to offer. Find the slideshow from this night here.
8th Grade Course Information Night- January 23rd 6pm - This night is organized to give information to inform course selection for the 9th grade year, and to showcase our elective and core offerings..
When you are ready to select your courses:
Incoming 9th Course Information Packet
NHS 2024-25 Course Guide (2025-26 Guide to be posted soon)
Incoming 9th Grade Course Request Form
9th Grade ASB Leadership Application
Course request cards for FOOTHILL students will be collected at the middle school. All others can be emailed to cooperk@mdusd.org or brought into the Northgate office. Course requests are due January 24th. If families are still waiting for news about a transfer, they can submit course requests before or after notice from the district office. This will not affect student placement in classes.
We are excited to Welcome you to the Bronco Family! There are a few different scenarios which may bring your to Northgate, and each is listed below to assist you in the process. Please read below, and reach out to nhsregistrar@mdusd.org if you have any questions.
If you live in the Northgate attendance area, and your student attends an MDUSD school- your student will automatically be rolled into our system. No action needed at this time. Please see links above for course planning. These will be collected by the middle school for Foothill students, and can be emailed to cooperk@mdusd.org for non-Foothill students.
Course requests will be due January 24th.
If you live in the Northgate attendance area, but your student attends a private or non-MDUSD school, you will need to first register your student. If they have never attended an MDUSD school, you will begin at the district registration page. When that is completed, you will complete a paper packet and keep it ready to bring in with you for a registration appointment at the enrollment center. These appointments will begin March 8. Visit the webpage for more information.
If you are out of the Northgate attendance area, and do not live in the "unassigned area" (Clayton region), you will need to apply to the district for a transfer. The transfer period begins in October 2023. Check the website and apply there. This transfer period usually closes in November, with notifications going out to families in January. The district office handles all of these requests, please know that we do not have any control at the site level. Once you have been approved for a transfer, follow the applicable registration steps above.
If you are out of the Northgate attendance area, and in the "unassigned area" you must request placement at Northgate High School. This happens on the district website. Once you receive notification of placement at Northgate High School, follow the appropriate steps above. If you live in this area and attend Pine Hollow or Diablo View, you must request placement. Once you receive your letter from student services with placement, no further action is needed. Please submit your course requests as outlined above.
If you have any questions about this process, please reach out to our office.
HERE is a link to our 8th grade info night slideshow.